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Climate Records Shattered in 2013

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Climate Records Shattered in 2013


"The climate is changing more rapidly in today's world than at any time in modern civilization," said Thomas Karl, director of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. "If we look at it like we're trying to maintain an ideal weight, then we're continuing to see ourselves put more weight on from year to year," he said.
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Wonder what they will say about this year.

It will not be better, the humanity grows and grows- more food is needed, more cattle breeds more area for agriculture and animals.

Meat production requires large quantities of CO2 as we know.

Furthermore, livestock produce energy by oxidizing carbon compounds, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.

21 percent of the total CO2 emission, which is attributed to human activity that originate in this manner of animals that we eat.

The livestock is 9 percent of anthropogenic carbon dioxide-free, 37 percent of anthropogenic methane and 65 percent of nitrogen oxides -

mainly through the use of fertilizer.Result is a Greenhouse effect.

We live in abundance and need to change our eating habits. but unthinkable in this new selfish world.

Actually, no one would have more hungry because there is enough food for all- thats crazy.

Nature will judge us if we do not change our behavior -it is up to us humans to prevent the worst if it is not already too late.

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I believe nature is now in the process of judging us and that it is too late. The air is polluted with chemicals (chemtrails), our livestock, the meat we eat, is shot with all kinds of drugs, our land is becoming less and less due to mankind constantly needing to build more and bigger buildings, etc., and an enormous amount of our wildlife is becoming extinct. Wildlife is running out of room to live. The majority of humans have become too selfish to care about the planet anymore, and the ones that do, are sick and dying (all ages).

I highly recommend watching the History Channel's documentary, "Life After People." I have it, but now I hear there's a series and need to check it out.

Came back to give the info.

History Channel's documentary series, "Life After People," began airing on April 21, 2009. The series was preceded by a 90-minute documentary of the same name that aired on January 21, 2008, which is what I have. Season 2 began airing on January 5, 2010. I look forward to watching the 2-season series.

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My belief is in the Word of God, that tells me the Sons of God will rise out of the shadows, with the power and authority of God, and heal the world. I believe God is preparing them/us for it now, and may I point out that when Jesus said, "the end of the world," He was referring to the systems of men, not the planet. God gave us a covenant that He would never destroy the planet again, and I believe we all will go through the process of purification (fire). Spiritually speaking, when the word "Earth" is used, God is referring to each one of us.

I state this as a personal belief, because we do have atheists here. We are all close, and do our best to give each other respect for their beliefs, and would never intentionally offend one another. It's who we are. :ouro:

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My belief is in the Word of God, that tells me the Sons of God will rise out of the shadows, with the power and authority of God, and heal the world. I believe God is preparing them/us for it now, and may I point out that when Jesus said, "the end of the world," He was referring to the systems of men, not the planet. God gave us a covenant that He would never destroy the planet again, and I believe we all will go through the process of purification (fire). Spiritually speaking, when the word "Earth" is used, God is referring to each one of us.

I state this as a personal belief, because we do have atheists here. We are all close, and do our best to give each other respect for their beliefs, and would never intentionally offend one another. It's who we are. ouro.gif

Agree, this is who we are - our home away from home ouroborous.gif

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Yes Simon, with all due respect to everyone, even Jesus said in John that He is not of this world, which means the Sons and Daughters are also not of this world. This truly is our "Home Away from Home."

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  • Elders (Moderators)

JORDAN: Which side wins, Daddy?
FRANK: That's what I'm saying. It's up to us.
JORDAN: We are all shepherds.
FRANK: Yes, honey. Yes, we are.

Whatever our individual beliefs or views (and this is one place where differences are both respected and embraced) we're all living on this one planet. And it's the only planet we've got. We don't have ownership, we have only guardianship.

I do agree with Simon about over-production of beef. But I think that's part of the misunderstanding about fats and the part they play in taste. Marbled-fat meat tastes better than fat-free meat does, so a smaller amount is needed to feel satisfied.

And I think we need to move away from the precious middle-class cuisine that requires umpteen daily jumbo-jets-worth of out-of-season fruits and vegetables. Too many third-world countries are exporting their foodstuffs to satisfy first-world wants. Yes, they need our pounds/dollars, but there should be a better way of supporting them to economic security than taking their foodstuffs, a lot of which ends up discarded because it's "beyond its sell-by date".

Wasted foods, unnecessary use of oil, and polluted skies. Not good as a potential end-of-term report.

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Very well said Libby, on every subject.

Yes, we are all shepherds; shepherds of this planet, and sad to see it in such disarray. I'm sure the planet will always bounce back, just not sure about what will happen to mankind at the direction we are heading.

On a different note, just read from NASA ~ https://news.yahoo.com/earth-survived-near-miss-2012-solar-storm-nasa-222404357.html

Washington (AFP) - Back in 2012, the Sun erupted with a powerful solar storm that just missed the Earth but was big enough to "knock modern civilization back to the 18th century," NASA said.

The extreme space weather that tore through Earth's orbit on July 23, 2012, was the most powerful in 150 years, according to a statement posted on the US space agency website Wednesday.

However, few Earthlings had any idea what was going on.

"If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would have been in the line of fire," said Daniel Baker, professor of atmospheric and space physics at the University of Colorado...............................

Think about it; 18th century.

Then there's the story about "Satellite study indicates groundwater losses putting Southwest supply in jeopardy." The story is worth the read because it's a lot more serious then the title sounds.


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