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Showrunner takes you inside the production of VS5

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And so we come to the series finale, “Resolution”. It’s certainly been a long road since we first began working on “The Begotten”, but the time has come to offer some insight and do a bit of rehashing of the last ever episode of Millennium. First comes the teaser, and with this being the last episode, we knew it had to be one of the most epic, large scale and memorable teasers in the history of the show. It was basically the last chance we would ever have to do one of these, so it was an op

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Here we go again with some insight into episode 19, “Resurrection”, which is the first of our two-part series finale. I say that very deliberately as series finale and not season finale, because as I’ve said before we see this as the last ever season of Millennium. We’re approaching it as the last episode which closes the book on the story of Frank Black and associates. As a result of that, we knew that this had to be a big event, a major point which touched on most of the important issues

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"Burning Man"

Welcome back to the official VS5 blog. With the season now complete, I can now go back and get caught up a bit with these entries which slipped a little as the final mile of the marathon took precedence. This time around we’ll go over episode 18, “Burning Man”, which was written by Ian Austin. It’s essentially the last ever standalone for the show, the last self-contained normal episode if you will before the big finale, the two-part story of “Resurrection” and “Resolution”. In some respect

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"One and Many"

Welcome back to the official VS5 blog. I’m making every effort to get caught up with this and stay on track, but we’ve been busy writing the finale episodes so as you can imagine it’s all hitting the fan. This entry then will rehash episode 17, “One and Many”, which is our Lucy Butler episode of the season. Once we’ve done a little bit of deconstruction of that I’ll offer a little bit of a preview/tease of the forthcoming finale, despite the fact that “Burning Man” is the next episode to get the

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"Critical Mass"

Okay, time to get back up to speed again with this here blog business. This time we shall have a look at episode 16, “Critical Mass”, which was written by Ian Austin. Ian essentially came in at the last minute on a freelance basis to pick this one up as things changed in terms of staff, and we’re very grateful for him to be doing that at such short notice and for turning in what I think became a pretty decent episode. What we have here is a return to the kind of mythology themes in terms of the

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Welcome back to the official VS5 blog. This time we’re rehashing episode 15, “Atonement”, which was written by myself. It’s basically a standalone episode but one that isn’t about an isolated killer. Instead, it attempts to strike a balance between more global issues and the individual plot of the spree killings. That’s something that sparked off the first ideas for the episode, that of spree killings. In that sense, it can be considered a deliberate attempt to get away from the serial kill

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Greetings from the official VS5 blog. In this entry we’ll be going over episode 14, “Flew”, which was written by Angelo Shrine. It’s more of Millennium Group type episode, coming on the back of a number of more standalone episodes in recent weeks. I think it mostly works, and I’m fairly pleased with it, although there are just a few elements which could perhaps have achieved their goals a little better. The idea behind this episode came out of the writers’ room by and large. I wanted to do

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Welcome back to the official VS5 blog. In this time around we’ll be rehashing episode 13, “Golgotha”, which was written by myself. This aired on Good Friday, and although we never set out to consciously do a themed episode to coincide with the Easter season, when we noticed that there would be an episode on this date anyway, it made sense to earmark it for “Golgotha” given the subject matter of the episode which was already established. The idea behind this one was to do a really kind of gr

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"Ondrædan Ende"

Hello, and welcome back to the official VS5 blog. This time around we’re going to be deconstructing episode 12, “Ondrædan Ende”, which was written by Angelo Shrine. This one was actually moved forward quite significantly from its original place in the schedule because we’ve been let down quite badly in recent times by some writers here and there. Fortunately, we also have Angelo who’s a wonderfully efficient writer, and had this one done ahead of time despite it originally being slated for about

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"Sleep of Reason"

Here we go again with a slightly belated entry in the VS5 blog. It’s high time we rehashed episode 11, “Sleep of Reason”, which went through a bit of a troubled process. Recently I’ve been singing a lot of praises in the blog, which is always genuine and never just blowing smoke – I was rather gushing about “Parturition” and pretty pleased with “Forty Days and Forty Nights”. But I’m not going to do that this week. I always aim to be honest in providing these insights into our production pro

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"Forty Days and Forty Nights"

Welcome back to the VS5 blog. This week we’re going to be rehashing episode 10, “Forty Days and Forty Nights”, then tease the next episode which will be “Sleep of Reason”, airing on Friday. This episode was written by myself, and it was essentially an attempt to do one of the Group-centric thrillers that have been peppered throughout the show now and again. So far, this has more been Tony’s turf with episodes such as “Laicite”, which is more in the style of the Season 2 episodes where this

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Here we go with another entry for the VS5 blog. Apologies for the slight delay this week, but better late than never, right? This time around we’ll have a quick digest of “Parturition”, written by Angelo Shrine, which we’re all very pleased with, then tease the next episode, “Forty Days and Forty Nights”, which airs this Friday. The basic concept that underpins this episode was originally pitched to us by Joe McBrayer, who worked on staff in the early phases of pre-production when we were b

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"Who We Are"

Hello, and welcome back to the VS5 blog. In this entry we’re taking a look at “Who We Are”, written by Anthony J. Black, before rounding out with a bit of a preview of “Parturition” which airs this Friday. We pushed it right up to the wire with this episode, having it completed pretty late on Friday, but fortunately we still made our air date, and so all is right in the world. It was always conceived as a real Peter Watts episode, a chance for him to take centre stage and for us to showcase

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Here we go again with another VS5 blog. This time around we’re rehashing “Muse”, written by Jeremy Daniels, and teasing “Who We Are” which is coming up this Friday. This episode was a return to a standalone story coming on the back of things we’d done with the Millennium Group and Legion, and it’s one that I think works very well in some parts and doesn’t in others. I like the way that this is less focused on murder than the typical Millennium “franchise”, and even though there is a murder

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Hello, and welcome back to the VS5 blog, for those of you that are reading regularly anyway. This time around I’m going to be rehashing “Gotterdammerung” before going into a slight preview of this Friday’s new episode, which is called “Muse”. This episode was actually written by myself for the first time since the opening two-parter, and it was designed as the first one to re-introduce the figure of Legion for the new season. This was always on our minds from the conception of VS5, and it h

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"Word for Word"

Greetings from another blog entry. This week we’re rehashing “Word for Word", written by Brendan M. Leonard, and offering a little sneak preview of the forthcoming “Gotterdammerung” which airs on Friday. This is a story that was pitched to us by Brendan when he joined the writing staff, and I think I’d be right in saying that it was always conceived as another standalone episode to give us that variation again coming on the back of what was a fairly big Millennium Group intensive story in “

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Welcome back to the VS5 blog, and apologies for this one being a little late in the week. This time it’s “Laïcité” up for deconstruction, and a quick preview of “Word for Word” which airs on Friday. The core of this episode began with the basic idea of the space programme and orbital weapons platforms, the kind of things that have often been discussed by a number of US administrations. It’s nothing new, and has been around for a while, the idea of missile defence systems mounted on orbital

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"The Eye of the Needle"

Here we go again with another VS5 blog entry. This week we’re looking at “The Eye of the Needle”, written by Anthony J. Black, before previewing “Laïcité” which airs on Friday. This episode has a genesis that goes quite far back to the early ideas that were knocking around our first writers’ room back when the project was in its infancy, and back then it was just the basic premise of a killer putting up severed heads on an internet auction site in order to deliver a message about greed and

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Welcome back. This time around we’re rehashing “Chrysalis”, the concluding part of our season premiere, and it seems to have been reasonably well-received again, which is pleasing. Later I’ll give a little bit of a preview of this Friday’s new episode, “The Eye of the Needle”, and do some Q&A, but first the matter at hand.. As I said last week, making the premiere a two-part story allowed us to spread around some of the shopping-list items that needed covering, and specifically the seco

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"The Begotten"

Greetings again, and it’s time that this blog got started proper and begins looking into some of the actual scripts now that the first one is on-line and “airing”. As you know, the new virtual season premiered on Friday with “The Begotten”, and we couldn’t be happier with how it seems to have gone down. In the next few paragraphs or so, I’ll give you a bit of an inside look into the making of the first episode (with spoilers, so read it first), then a little bit of a preview of what you can expe

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Welcome to BVC

Happy New Year to everyone. As well as the beginning of 2007, today also marks the grand opening of the new BVC network where Millennium VS5 will air every Friday. It’s an exciting time as everything starts coming together, and we can start sharing what we’ve all been working on for what feels like a very long time now. Things kick off with an original James Bond movie called SilverKnight, then an original comedy series entitled Desperate Screenwriters airs on Thursday. That of course serve

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Meet Brad Locke

Time for another pre-premiere look inside the workings of VS5. Before I launch into a sneak-peek introduction of one of our new main characters, I’ll bring you up to speed on what the crew have been working on recently. We actually had a bit of a crisis when one of our staff writers, who was attached to write two episodes of the season, had to pull out of the project to focus on other commitments. That, as you can imagine, had us in a bit of a panic at this stage of production. But does tha

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And So It Begins...

Welcome to the inaugural entry of the all-new Virtual Season 5 blog. This will be the place to get an inside look at the production of the VS5, what we’re working on and how it’s going. Needless to say, there will be a lot more updates once we’re actually airing episodes from January, at which point I will make every effort to do a weekly entry that digests the episode just gone and looks ahead at the one to come. Until then, there will probably be just a few sporadic posts that keep you in

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